9 Further Reading

There are a variety of useful online resources on text mining and analysis in R that you may wish to look into, if this is a skillset you would like to develop further. The best place to start is probably the book (available for free online) Text Mining with R, by Julia Silgre and David Robinson. Some of the code in this workshop was adapted from that book, and its various case studies provide an engaging way to learn and develop your skills.

If you would like to learn more about text mining in R, but feel like it would be beneficial to first get better acquainted with R more generally, the best place to start for applied social scientists and digital humanists is the book R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund.

If you’re looking for a more concise introduction to R, The Carpentries project has developed several useful tutorials on R (among other topics). The Programming with R workshop, while not focused on the digital humanities, is a good self-contained and general purpose introduction to the R programming language. Another good option is the R for Social Scientists workshop, if you would like to explore the tidyverse in greater depth.