7 Bigrams
Sometimes, you will be more interested in tokenizing your text data using a different unit of analysis than a single word. There are any number of ways to tokenize a text data collection besides a single word. A simple extension of tokenizing with a single word is tokenizing by two consecutive words, which is a unit of analysis known as a bigram.
In this section, we’ll extend the material in previous sections of the workshop, and learn how to extract and clean bigrams (i.e. consecutive words) from a data collection, develop a simple bigram frequency table, and visualize bigrams using ggplot2.
7.1 Extracting bigrams from a text corpus and creating a bigram frequency table
In order to extract our bigrams, we’ll return to the diario_creatives_tidy
dataset we created above, in which each row is associated with a distinct text document from the collection, and the text associated with each document is contained in a separate column. Let’s remind ourselves of this dataset’s structure, by bringing it up again in the RStudio data viewer:
# Views "diario_creatives_tidy" in data viewer
Now, let’s extract the rough draft of a bigram frequency table using the same unnest_tokens()
and count()
functions that we used above to generate our single word frequency table.
In the code below, we:
- First take
, and then use theunnest_tokens()
function to tokenize the text data in the “text” column ofdiario_creatives_tidy
as bigrams. Instead of setting the token equal to “words” (as above), we settoken="ngrams"
, andn=2
, which, taken together, effectively tokenize the data by consecutive words (i.e. as bigrams). The name of the column containing the bigrams in the tokenized dataset is set to “bigram” (i.e.output=bigram
). - We then take this tokenized dataset, and, using the
operator, feed this tokenized dataset into thecount()
function to generate a bigram frequency table. - Finally, we’ll assign this bigram frequency table to a new object named
# Extracts table of bigram frequencies
<-diario_creatives_tidy %>%
output=bigram) %>%
count(bigram, sort=TRUE)
Now, let’s go ahead and view our bigram frequency table in the data viewer.
# Views "diario_bigram"
7.2 Cleaning a bigram frequency table
Let’s now clean our bigram frequency table in the same way that we cleaned our word frequency table above (Section 5.3): by removing any bigrams that include a Spanish or English stopword or a number. In broad strokes, the process of cleaning a bigram frequency table in this manner is very similar to cleaning a word frequency table.
One difference, at the outset, however, is that because a bigram consists of two words, we will temporarily separate out our bigrams into two columns, and clean these columns individually before merging our bigrams back together.
In the code below, we use the separate()
function to separate out the words in the “bigram” column of diario_bigram
into two columns, named “word1” and “word2”, where the separator is a blank space in between words (sep=" "
). We’ll assign this new dataset, with the bigrams separated, to a new object named diario_bigram_separated
# Separates bigrams in the "bigram" column of "diario_bigram" into two separate
# columns, named "word1" and "word2"
<-diario_bigram %>%
diario_bigram_separatedseparate(bigram, c("word1", "word2"), sep=" ")
Now, let’s take a look at diario_bigram_separated
within the RStudio data viewer:
With this preliminary step out of the way, we’ll now remove our stopwords.
7.2.1 Remove stopwords from bigrams
In the code below, we take diario_bigram_separated
, and then sequentially remove English stopwords from the “word1” and “word2” columns, and then Spanish stopwords from the “word1” and “word2” columns. The technique we use to remove these words, using the filter()
function to subset rows within diario_bigram_separated
which do NOT contain any of the specified stopwords, is exactly the same as what we used above to remove stopwords from our word frequency table. The data frame that results from removing the stopwords from diario_bigram_separated
is assigned to a new object named diario_bigram_filtered
# Removes English and Spanish stopwords from the "word1" and "word2" columns
# in the "diario_bigram_separated" dataset, and assigns the result to a new
# object named "diario_bigram_filtered"
diario_bigram_separated filter(!word1 %in% stop_words$word) %>% # removes English stopwords from "word1" column
filter(!word2 %in% stop_words$word) %>% # removes English stopwords from "word2" column
filter(!word1 %in% spanish_stopwords$`stopwords("spanish")`) %>% # Removes Spanish stopwords from "word1" column
filter(!word2 %in% spanish_stopwords$`stopwords("spanish")`) # Removes spanish stopwords from "word2" column
7.2.2 Remove numbers from bigrams
Now, let’s remove numbers from the “word1” and “word2” columns in diario_bigram_filtered
First, we’ll parse the “word1” column from diario_bigram_filtered
for numbers, and assign the output vector to a new object named diario_bigram_word1numbers
# Extracts a vector of numbers contained in "word1" of "diario_bigram_filtered"
# and assigns it to a new object named "diario_bigram_word1numbers"
<-parse_number(diario_bigram_filtered$word1) diario_bigram_word1numbers
Then, we’ll parse the “word2” column from diario_bigram_filtered
for numbers, and assign the output vector to a new object named diario_bigram_word2numbers
# Extracts a vector of numbers contained in "word2" of "diario_bigram_filtered",
# and assigns it to a new object named "diario_bigram_word2numbers"
<-parse_number(diario_bigram_filtered$word2) diario_bigram_word2numbers
We’ll now add the diario_bigram_word1numbers
and diario_bigram_word2numbers
vectors to the diario_bigram_filtered
dataset as columns using the cbind()
# Adds the "diario_bigram_word1numbers" and "diario_bigram_word2numbers" vectors
# as columns in "diario_bigram_filtered"
<-cbind(diario_bigram_filtered, diario_bigram_word1numbers, diario_bigram_word2numbers) diario_bigram_filtered
This yields an updated version of diario_bigram_filtered
, which now contains information on whether the text in the “word1” and “word2” columns have numbers. More specifically, the column “diario_bigram_word1numbers” takes the value " NA" for any word in the corresponding “word1” column that does not contain numbers, and the column “diario_bigram_word2numbers” similarly takes on “NA” values for any word in the corresponding “word2” column that does not contain numbers. To confirm this, please view diario_bigram_filtered
in the RStudio data viewer (View(diario_bigram_filtered)
We’ll leverage this information to delete all rows in diario_bigram_filtered
for which “word1” or “word2” contains a number. In particular, we’ll do this by taking diario_bigram_filtered
, and using the filter()
function to subset all rows in which the “diario_bigram_word1numbers” column has an NA value (which excises rows in which “word1” contains a number), and then subsequently using the same procedure to subset all rows in which “diario_bigram_word2numbers” has an NA value (which excises rows in which “word2” contains a number). We’ll assign these changes back to the same diario_bigram_filtered
object, and thereby update the previous contents of the diario_bigram_filtered
with this new version that has removed numbers from the “word1” and “word2” columns:
# Extracts rows in "diario_bigram_filtered" where the
# "diario_bigram_word1numbers" or "diario_bigram_word2numbers" columns
# contain an NA value; this effectively deletes rows where the bigram contains
# a number
<-diario_bigram_filtered %>%
diario_bigram_filteredfilter(is.na(diario_bigram_word1numbers)) %>%
7.3 Reconstituting the bigram frequency table after cleaning
Now that we’ve removed stopwords and numbers from the “word1” and “word2” columns, let’s put our bigram dataset back together into its original form, with one column (named “bigrams”) containing the various bigrams in the text collection, and the other column (named “n”) containing information on the frequency with which the bigrams appear.
First, we’ll use the unite()
function to paste the separate words in “word1” and “word2” back into one column as bigrams. The code below takes diario_bigram_filtered
, and then calls the unite()
function. The first argument, bigram
, is the desired name of the new column that results from pasting the columns together. The second and third arguments, word1
and word2
are the columns that we’d like to unite within the new “bigram” column, and the final argument regarding the desired separator (sep=" "
) indicates that the words in the “word1” and “word2” columns are to be pasted into the “bigram” column with a space in between them. We’ll assign this dataset with the restored bigram to a new object named diario_bigram_filtered_unite
# Takes separate words, in the "word1" and "word2" columns of
# "diario_bigram_filtered", and unites them back into one column,
# named "bigram"; this updated data frame is assigned to a new object named
# "diario_bigram_filtered_unite"
<-diario_bigram_filtered %>%
diario_bigram_filtered_uniteunite(bigram, word1, word2, sep=" ")
Let’s now take a look at diario_bigram_filtered_unite
within the RStudio data viewer:
# Views "diario_bigram_filtered_unite" in data viewer
You’ll see that the “diario_bigram_word1numbers” and “diario_bigram_word2numbers” columns, which were created as part of our strategy to remove numbers from the frequency table, are still present in diario_bigram_filtered_unite
. Let’s remove these columns, which are no longer useful, from the frequency table, by calling the select()
function, and passing a vector of these column names as an argument to the select()
function with a minus sign in front. We’ll assign the resulting dataset to a new object named diario_bigram_frequency_final
# deletes the "diario_bigram_word1numbers" and "diario_bigram_word2numbers"
# columns from "diario_bigram_filtered_unite"
<-diario_bigram_filtered_unite %>%
diario_bigram_frequency_finalselect(-c(diario_bigram_word1numbers, diario_bigram_word2numbers))
Finally, let’s view diario_bigram_frequency_final
in the data viewer:
# Views diario_bigram_frequency_final in data viewer
7.4 Visualizing bigrams
Now that we have the cleaned version of our bigram frequency table (diario_bigram_frequency_final_head
), let’s use it to develop a visualization of the ten most frequently occurring bigrams in the text collection. At this point, the steps involved in creating such a chart are essentially identical to the workflow/code described in Section 6.1 on charting word frequencies.
First, we’ll take diario_bigram_frequency_final
and use the slice_max()
function to extract the bigrams with the ten highest frequencies (i.e. the ten highest values of “n”). We’ll assign this subsetted dataset to a new object named diario_bigram_top_ten
# Extracts a new data frame by subsetting the
# rows associated with the ten most frequently occurring bigrams in
# "diario_bigram_filtered_unite", and assigns this data frame to a new object
# named "diario_bigram_top_ten"
<-diario_bigram_frequency_final %>%
diario_bigram_top_tenslice_max(n, n=10)
Let’s view diario_bigram_top_ten
in the data viewer:
# Views "diario_bigram_top_ten" in data viewer
Now, let’s use diario_bigram_top_ten
to create a horizontal bar chart of the most frequently occurring bigrams, and assign it to a new object named bigram_graph
# Creates sideways bar chart of 10 most frequently ocurring bigrams in Diario
# creatives text collection and assigns it to an object named "bigram_graph"
geom_col(aes(x=reorder(bigram, n), y=n))+
labs(title="Ten Most Frequent Bigrams in Diario Creatives",
caption = "Source: El Diario Project",
scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10))
The code used to generate bigram_graph
above is almost identical to the code used to generate the sideways bar chart in Section 6.1. The only difference is the final line of code, which uses the scale_y_continuous()
function to set custom tick marks for the axis on which frequencies are displayed.
Let’s now take a look at bigram_graph
# prints "bigram_graph"